Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Well, it's official. I'm over forty!!! I celebrated my birthday by balancing my bank statement(my most unfavorite thing to do!!!), doing Algebra 2 with my son and Chandler, took care of pets, ran a 5-K on the greenway in Murfreesboro(a tradition I started last year when I turned forty), went out to eat at Logan's, and watched Biggest Loser. I got a really awesome set of cookware for my birthday. I know, it may not seem exciting to you, but for someone who cooks every day, I'm tickled to get some new pots and pans. My others are worn out!! Anyway, thanks to all of you who have called or typed a birthday wish to me!! I feel so loved!! Well, my kitty keeps getting on my lap, insisting that I pay attention to her, so I'm going to go scratch her head for a few minutes. Love to all!! Sleep tight!! lynn


Brandon Shaw said...

I think just the idea of having a tradition like that is totally awesome. But to go through with it, now that's even better. :D It's kinda like new years resolutions. People often say all these things they're gonna do and make all these dreams and aspirations. And then never follow through with them. So I think following through with the whole 5-K thing earns you a big star! *puts a golden star sticker beside your name on the board* lol... Keep up the good work!

I ran 3 1/2 miles after I got home from work today. Actually, it was about 8:30 at night. It was coooold. But, I guess we gotta do what we gotta do to be ready for that marathon next year huh ;).

Tam said...

**clearing throat** Uh, excuse forgot to mention who ran that 5-K with you dear!!!

Kasey said...

I am glad you had a great birthday!! I need to run a 5k. Excuses excuses...I am paranoid of being stolen.

Lynn said...

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention my side kick that ran with me. Tam even agreed to run outside in the cold, even though she is cold natured. What a great friend!!! Now we both have scratchy throats!! uh-oh!!

Brandon Shaw said...

Uh oh! :O Be careful in this cold weather! I wear a scarf around my mouth and nose when I run. And a ski cap. You loose a majority of your body heat through your head, so it works pretty well to keep me toasty :D.

mayberrychick95 said...

Yeah! She needs to listen to you! :P

She said that she was already coming down with a cold.. Probably from Sis. Rebekah.. Because at ladies retreat sis rebekah was sick.. And my mom roomed with her. So, she said she was already coming down with that but, running outside in the cold didn't help that at all!

Katie said...

You need to post again mommy! :)

Love you!

Katie said...

Oh, and I'm changing your profile picture:)

Katie said...

wow momma. It's been almost a MONTH since you last posted!!! gah! :)

Katie said...

Momma- You do notice that it's been over a MONTH since you've posted?? lol :D

I'm reaaaaally wanting to log into your account and post for you:P Just to say what you've been doing and everything. :D

Katie said...

Merry CHRISTmas momma!

I love you!